A lack of deep conversation is holding you, your business, and relationships back.

We need more in-depth conversations in our businesses, relationships, and especially when it comes to our health if we genuinely want to achieve what we say we do.

With everyone starting to realize that living an unhealthy lifestyle can take you away from everything you are working so hard for and love in a blink of an eye due to something like the common Covid,

it’s more important than ever to be straight up with our health situation.

There is no such thing as ignoring your health problem. Pretending it will go away eventually like all the annoying solicitors that hit you up regularly because your business number is listed everywhere on the internet.

An overwhelming amount of people only scratch the surface when it comes to what they share about themselves and the questions they ask others.

I have two sisters who work in the hospital, and they tell me that many people go undertreated and die because they weren’t truthful with all of the symptoms they are experiencing due to pride or another issue.

Back when I was personal training, most people I would begin to train would tell me one thing and then do the complete opposite.

When I would address the issue, some would even lie!

I would catch them every time because I was paying attention to what was going on when I was around and created data points to compare.

Personal training lacks the detail and attention I give in the Why Way, but I could still tell when they were off course.

The lack of realness and straightforwardness results in either struggling longer and losing time and emotional energy or worse, getting a quick result, losing it and causing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, significant inflammation and discomfort in their stomachs, and are always tired.

What are deep conversations?

Deep conversations are conversations that are transformative and meaningful. They crest bonds between people, draw us closer to each other, gives us a better understanding of others.

It is how we would be able to talk about differences and find common ground in playing fields such as politics.

Addictions show their root cause, disease reveals itself through the minute details of your life, and only when you share these things can a true professional permanently help you solve your weight and health issues.

“Why?” is the deepest of all questions.

When you ask “why?” you open yourself to a new paradigm.

You begin to understand more and move closer to what is needed and desired to fulfill you and get you to where you want to go.

Too many one-on-one trainers, doctors, chiropractors, online trainers, coaches, and everyone else under the sun fall short and don’t ask the quality questions required to achieve quality results.

They are more focused on their method, and you are doing it their way.

I get it; it makes sense at first to hire someone that has done it before and then go and struggle to do it their way. To follow their orders and fit your life into their health and fitness regimen.

Many don’t know of another option.

The other option is finding a solution that fits the answer into your complicated life, the opposite of what everyone else does.

In-depth conversations are the only way to achieve permanent, lasting results.

Most don’t do it because they care about themselves more than others.

They want you to succeed because they want to thrive, not because they genuinely care.

How do you know if someone cares?

They ask deep, quality questions and have quality deep conversations.