Do you wonder why some people do the same thing over and over again and expect different results, even when the results aren’t favorable?
Why they defend their stance, even when the facts are right in front of their faces?
Why some people get more offended or angered than others when faced with a different view?
If you don’t know yourself and why you do what you do, it is inevitable to be offended or angered by someone else.
But wait.
If you don’t understand why you do what you do, how can you explain why someone else is doing what they are doing?
Why even react in the first place?
The answer to all of the questions above is to avoid rejection.
Rejection is failure pointed out by another, and no one likes to fail.

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is when someone’s behaviors and actions do not align or hold two beliefs that contradict each other.
Some aren’t aware that this is happening in their life. They live in constant fear and stress because they don’t understand their pain, leading to inconsistent words and actions, anger towards their situation, and the desire to blame and take offense.

Cognitive Consistency

On the other hand, those aware develop a desire to align or balance themselves, called the principle of cognitive consistency.
The more aware you are, the more stress/dissonance you will experience.
The more aware you are, the more you’ll actively try to do something to align and benefit yourself.
Many succeed and solve the problem, but many fail to find a solution.
When everything you have been trying isn’t working, to avoid failure and rejection, you’ll resort to explaining things away or rejecting anything contrary to what you currently believe will balance you, help you, or what is best.
You adopt a set of behaviors that alleviates the stress in the short run but negatively affect you in the long run, never solving the issue. These behaviors are the things you do over and over and expect a different result.
The more personal or higher the belief, the harder the response. Many respond with feelings of guilt, anxiety, and other adverse effects on your mental health.
People avoid factual information and conversations and ignore expert advice and research if it causes more dissonance and doesn’t align with what they feel at the moment.
When forced into a situation that causes them more dissonance, they act out of fear and become offended, angered, or much worse. Some take it as far as developing personal missions to help everyone see what has helped comfort them and take great offense to any contrary info as if you are the enemy.

You Must Know WHY

Not knowing your WHY or the WHY behind what you are doing will always produce dissonance.
If you don’t know why you are doing what you are doing, there is nothing to base your decisions on, and you then make your decisions on emotion and current situations.
You will be easily offended, angered, and triggered because all you have is the current moment, your emotions, and your surroundings. You won’t be able to make sound decisions for your business, family, health, or any area of your life.
With no purpose or reason WHY, it is impossible to find balance and fulfillment.
The Why Way is the only way to discover your WHY and confidently balance your behaviors and actions, without wasting time and causing more damage.