5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make Quality Decisions

Being a business owner with kids, you make numerous decisions that affect the outcome and experience of your business and family.

Unfortunately, not everyone has been taught how to make quality decisions or knows how to do so.

When making decisions, especially in health and fitness, everyone only wants to know if something is right or wrong or if there is a better way.

This type of thinking and question is faulty and can’t be answered without addressing the subject the advice is being applied to, you!

There is no right or wrong in fitness. 

You can’t ask if something is right or wrong, or good or bad because everyone is different, has gone through and want different things. 

The Why Way is the only program that addresses every area that accounts for all physical changes and fits health and fitness into your complex life, not your complex life into fitness. You can pay attention to all the other priorities in your life while achieving your health goals, but those areas are for another post.

If you know your WHY, here are 5 questions you can ask yourself to see if you are making a good quality decision or a bad decision. Without knowing your WHY/purpose, there is no foundation to base any decision on and you will be making decisions only on current situations and feelings, (much like doctors prescribing meds after only one test) and we know that when we do that, partners scream and business results decline.

5 Questions to Make Quality Decisions

  1. Does it offer freedom or bondage?
  2. Does it build me up or break me down?
  3. Does it leave you feeling guilty or does it make you feel great and closer to your WHY?
  4. Are your actions selfish or are you sensitive to the feelings of others?
  5. Will your actions and behavior contribute to winning people over to believe your WHY or put people off to not believe you/trust you?