Cheat Meal Benefits

It’s time to incinerate fat and slash the numbers on the scale.

No matter who you are, embarking on this journey will require you to go on some form of calorie restricted diet. This doesn’t mean you can’t cash is on some cheat meal benefits!!!

When restricting calories, you still need to obtain all of your macro and micronutrients. You direct your focus on nutrient dense foods and the foods that have been your comfort foods are now off limits. Face it, if it tastes amazing, it probably isn’t on the menu. As the days and weeks roll by, the desire for comfort food increases to the point that it can drive you insane. Well good news, if you’re not close to a show date or have an event around the corner, cheat meals can benefit you.

Cheat Meal Benefits

  1. Turns up the HEAT!

    – When you’re on a calorie restricted diet for an extended amount of time, the low calories become maintenance and fat loss slows. Your body starts to sense starvation and tries to minimize the amount of energy required to function, resulting in a slowed metabolism. One meal that is extremely high in calories won’t derail your progress. Instead, your body won’t be used to the high influx of calories and will turn on the after burners to get the “crap” out. If you go right back to your normal diet, your body’s metabolism will be at a higher state than it was previously, due to increased leptin levels, and the cheat meal will have benefited you.

  2. Replenishes glycogen stores

    – Carbohydrates are usually lowered while on a fat-loss diet. Lowered carbohydrate levels translate to low muscle glycogen stores, and a lack of energy and strength. Cheat meals that are high in carbohydrates will replenish muscle glycogen stores, providing much needed energy and allowing you to keep your workout intensity high. When possible, I try to eat my cheat meal after a workout. After a workout, the fast digesting carbohydrates are utilized more efficiently than at any other time of the day.

  3. Psychological reasons

    – In a society that strives for instant gratification, maintaining a restricted diet, for an extended period, can cause even the toughest of the tough to go a little insane. Cheat meals can help the dieter from snapping and hitting the closest buffet and binging. A scheduled cheat meal can keep these feeling at bay; because the dieter knows an “award” is coming. I like to plan my cheat meals during social events. I hate going out and watching my friends eat. During this time is when I struggle the most, so I avoid the negative feelings and cheat only during these times.

How often should I have a cheat meal?

How often to cheat depends on what your goals are. Someone dieting to lose a few pounds won’t have to be as strict as someone that is dieting for a competition. What your current nutritional intake is like will also determine how often and intense your cheat can be. Consider how the cheat meal will affect you psychologically as well. Some people can’t handle cheat meals and find themselves dreaming about them or go and binge every time they cheat. If this is the case cheating may not be for you. On the other hand, some people can take cheat meals as incentive to stay on track and the cheat meal helps keep cravings at bay; if this is you, then incorporating small cheat meals will be helpful.

I have a huge sweet tooth, which makes it hard to diet for a competition. When in competition I still want to reap the cheat meal benefits, but I want more nutrition and not only junk. So, I developed a dessert recipe that helps me stay on track. I hope you like it as much as I do.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Berry Protein Brownies

Cheat Meal Benefits

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

In a large bowl, mix together:

  • 10 egg whites
  • 6 scoops chocolate protein (176g)
  • ¼ cup ground flax seed
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 2 packets instant oatmeal (56g)
  • 12 oz fat-free cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ½ cup almonds
  • 4 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup sugar, Stevia or sweetener of choice
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup water
  • 1 medium banana (preferably ripe)

Mix 4 oz Raspberries and 4 oz blueberries by hand after to prevent mixture from being to liquid.

Spray Pam on a 12” x 9” metal pan and then pour mixture into pan. Cook for approx. 35 minutes or until brownies are firm.

*Optional Icing*: Mix together 6 oz fat-free cream cheese, 2oz raspberries, 2 oz blueberries, 1/8 cup Stevia or other sweetener and top brownies.