Exercise and other forms of physical activity are important components of living a long and healthy life.

As you age, it becomes increasingly important to stay active. Hopefully, an exercise routine is already incorporated in your daily regiment, but if not, it’s never too late to start reaping the benefits exercise provides seniors. Below is the list of 5 exercise benefits for seniors.

1. You become efficient at what you do

Your thoughts and feelings about exercise may be the biggest determinant to staying physically fit as you age. What you believe to be true is your reality, even if it isn’t true. If you buy into the notion that you have to take things easy now that you’re older, then your body will adapt and only be able to do the easy tasks.

On the other hand, if you believe you can be more active than ever before, your body will adapt to the added activity. Charles Eugster is the “world’s fittest 91-year-old.” At the age of 87, he took up a weight lifting program and at 89-years-old he won an international fitness competition with a record score. There are always those who say they would exercise, but make excuses about why they don’t. Some of the common excuses are: “I’m too old,” “my medical condition,” and “I don’t have the energy.” The irony of it all is that exercising will actually help out all of these so-called excuses and will extend/ save your life.

2. Stability and balance

Exercise will help you remain stable on your feet as you age. Stability is incredibly important because the likelihood of a fall causing injury increases as you get older. What’s worse is that those who have fallen in the past may develop a fear of falling and attempt to limit their activity level, resulting in an even higher risk of falling. A well rounded exercise routine will include balance and flexibility training. Balance training will help restore any sense of balance that has been lost over the years.

An excellent indicator of balance is the ability to stand on one leg. If you are unable to stand on one leg or are shaky, the possibility of being injured in a fall is increased. Flexibility training will also help with balance by reducing muscle stiffness and decrease recovery time. A certified personal trainer or workout buddy will help safely increase your sense of balance and minimize any risks.

3. Reverses age related muscle loss

Resistance training (aka weight training) reverses Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) and increases strength. Medical studies show that muscle strength starts to decrease after the age of 50 and decreases twice as fast after the age of 70. Resistance training can double your muscle strength through muscle hypertrophy and increase your mobility. Walking speed is directly related to leg strength and a modest increase in leg strength will increase your walking endurance and stair-climbing capabilities. Resistance training also helps prevent Osteoporosis. An increase in bone strength translates into a lower risk of falling and suffering a fracture.

4. Helps you breathe better

Aerobic Exercise (aka cardiovascular exercise) is the third part of a well-rounded exercise routine. Aerobic exercise will aid in the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients and removed waste. This will help reduce recovery rate and soreness. An increase of cardiac power will help keep you from getting winded and out of breath while performing everyday activities.

5. Other Health benefits

Incorporating an exercise routine has many other benefits in addition to those already stated. The benefits include, but are not limited to:

  1. Decreased blood pressure
  2. improved blood lipid profiles
  3. Improved neuro-cognitive function
  4. decreased pain
  5. improved quality of sleep
  6. decreased chance of developing diabetes
  7. improves overall health and digestive health
  8. decreased mortality and age-related morbidity

If you are waiting for the best time to start exercising, the time is now. Contact your doctor and discuss the risks of incorporating exercise routine in your daily activities. You will live longer and have a higher quality of life by starting an exercise program today.You’re never too old to reap the benefits of exercise. If you need assistance finding a great personal trainer in the Boca Raton area or online click here.

So what are you waiting for? Get moving and start living the life of your dreams and reaping the benefits of exercise.

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