Losing weight is hard if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Starting a workout or diet with no guidance most likely will result negatively. There are many more in depth reasons why you may not be losing weight, but here is a list of 12 common reasons why you’re not losing weight.

  1. You’re eating too many calories

If you consume more calories that you burn you won’t lose weight. The overwhelming majority of people have no clue how many calories they eat on average each day. Despite the efforts to work out more to lose weight, if you don’t know how much is going in your body, you won’t get what you want out of it.

  1. You’ve been eating too little calories for too long

Your body goes through specific adaptations to imposed demands (SAID). In other words, your body is always trying to be efficient. Unfortunately, your body doesn’t care if being efficient is a positive or negative action, it just will efficiently adapt to the demands. Your metabolism will slow down to adapt to the prolonged calorie restriction and make it extremely difficult to lose weight.

  1. You’re not drinking enough water

Water helps every function in the body and is crucial to lose weight. If you are working out and eating perfectly, but aren’t drinking enough water, the results from your efforts will be minimized.

  1. You’re not eating enough protein

Protein raises your metabolism and keeps you full. Protein also Is the building block of muscle. The more muscle you have the likelier your metabolism will be higher and more efficient.

  1. You’re drinking too much alcohol

Alcohol is extremely harmful on weight loss. Not only does it lead to poor choices, it is a poison to your body and will hinder your weight loss efforts.

  1. Your food quality is extremely low

Consistently eating junk food will result in additional fat storage. For the most part whether you lose weight or not depends on calories, but the quality of the food you eat will dictate the quality your body looks on the inside and outside. Quality food supports the storage of quality lean mass. Junk food supports the storage of fat.

  1. An underlying medical condition

You may not know that there is a medical condition working against you. There are many medical conditions that make it extremely difficult to lose weight and keep it off. Check with your doctor to make sure that you are capable and able to achieve your goal and any special requirements you may need.

  1. Medicines can interfere with weight loss

Certain medications like depression medications can make it hard to lose weight. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist to figure out the possible side effects of the medication you take and plan accordingly.

  1. You take weekends off and go wild

Any progress made gets reset due to a lack of good decisions during the weekend. In order to progress you must be consistent. If you make bad decisions every week you may see progress in your capabilities, but most likely you will end up staying the same or worse.

  1. You’re not getting enough fiber

Fiber helps move food through and keep your metabolism regular. If you lack fiber in your diet, your metabolism will not operate at its maximal capacity which will hinder your weight loss.

  1. You’re not getting enough exercise

Get a minimum of 60 minutes a day of exercise to lose weight. Exercising doesn’t have to be cardio or weightlifting, but instead could simply be a walk. Anything that gets you moving more than you were before will be beneficial.

  1. You’re not lifting weights

Lifting prevents muscle loss during dieting and helps keep your metabolism high. The more muscle you have the easier it will be to lose weight. Also, lifting weights places an extreme demand on the body that many other activities do. The extreme demand of weights can help speed up weight loss.

If you want to lose weight and feel like you have tried everything, you’re not alone. There are many underlying factors in your life that may be holding you back. The key is to analyze every aspect of your life to find the obstacles and from there create solutions to get you to your goal. If you need help doing this, contact Why To Fitness today.