Christian Health Coaching and Counseling

If you have tried everything and you’re still struggling,

know what you ought to do but struggle to do it


want to stop stressing over your health and live the life God purposed you for

You’re not alone and that is exactly WHY I created WHY to Fitness.

Experience true FREEDOM and schedule a 1-1 call with Aaron today!

Schedule your call today!
why to fitness online trainer

The Why Way coaching program has transformed my life. Once I really defined my WHY and figured out where I have been and where I want to go, following the program made it easy to set goals and accomplish them, One of the most important things Aaron coached me on was how to restart my sluggish metabolism that I struggled with for years. I have increased my caloric intake dramatically (from about 1300 calories to 2100 calories daily) without gaining weight and have lost inches in stubborn places. I work out more effectively and efficiently, have gained flexibility, have more energy and sleep a lot better. I am also much more satisfied with my life overall because of the goals I have set as a result of the program. Aaron is an amazing, compassionate, knowledgeable coach whose goal is to help people to become the best versions of themselves.

Best Online Personal Trainer ResultsGayle G, Why to Fitness client
“I can definitely say this was an amazing experience to have and I wouldn’t change it for the world. In the beginning I was kind of skeptical about it because I thought it was all going to be working out and building a lot of muscle and loosing weight. Yes that happened, but along the way I really found myself. I really took into consideration “Why”. I fell back into a relationship or back into communication with God and my journey as a Catholic. My relationship within family was definitely an obstacle. But in the end I was able to reconnect with my father and had the talk that I needed to have. I have also started to have a better relationship with myself too.
I found out more about myself and what I need to feel like I want to be alive and live each day. I found the reason why I want to do certain things and need to be a certain way to achieve the outcome.”
Best Online Personal Trainer ResultsDanielle B, Why to Fitness client
“I was extremely unhappy and struggling with an eating disorder. I constantly focused on my body, confused and afraid about what to eat, when to eat it and what it would do to my body. I wanted to be happy and healthy but didn’t know if that was possible since I had been to multiple rehabs, therapists and nutritionists. I was skeptical about whether or not spending the money to work with an online personal trainer was really worth it. Today I can say it was the best money ever spent. No amount of money could ever pay for what the Why Way has given me. It gave me freedom. It taught me how to set goals and create a plan to attain those goals. My relationships with food, exercise, my family, friends, and boyfriend have taken a complete 180. I no longer spend my days thinking negatively about myself but instead have a confidence I never had before.”
Why to Fitness Online Personal TrainingKim S, Why to Fitness client
why to fitness online trainer