Many people struggle to achieve their goals, often feeling like they are just out of reach. However, the problem might not be with the goals themselves, but rather with how they are framed. This podcast episode explores the concept of fear-based goals, which are often backward-looking and can hinder progress.

When goals are anchored in fear or past experiences, they become obstacles rather than stepping stones to success. This is where the wisdom of Paul’s words in Romans 7 come in, shedding light on the transformative power of love-based, forward-facing goals. These types of goals shift the focus from fear of failure to the love of becoming something, thereby providing the motivation and focus needed to achieve them.

The concept of reframing goals isn’t just about changing the language used to describe them, but also about shifting the underlying motivation. When goals are driven by fear, they often reflect a desire to avoid negative outcomes. On the other hand, love-based goals are driven by a positive, forward-looking vision. They are about becoming rather than avoiding, about embracing rather than fearing.

But reframing goals is only part of the equation. It’s also crucial to align these goals with a greater purpose. This idea is explored in the context of the Great Commission, suggesting that our objectives should be linked to a higher calling. This not only provides additional motivation but also gives our goals a sense of meaning and significance.

The power of love-based, forward-looking goals is further illustrated through various examples. For instance, the goal of losing weight can be reframed from “I don’t want to be fat” (a fear-based goal) to “I want to take care of God’s temple out of gratitude” (a love-based goal). Similarly, the goal of making more money can be reframed from “I don’t want to be poor” to “I want to help transform the world through my work” (a love-based goal).

Ultimately, the journey towards achieving our goals is also a journey towards living a purpose-driven life. This requires not just setting the right kind of goals, but also challenging our thinking and continually reassessing and resetting our objectives. It’s about striving not just for success, but for fulfillment.

In conclusion, the process of achieving our goals can be greatly facilitated by shifting from fear-based, backward-looking goals to love-based, forward-looking goals. By anchoring our goals in love and purpose, we can not only enhance our chances of success but also live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.