Anything that has been achieved in the world first started out as a thought. Every invention, record, process, business, achievement, etc. was first conceived in someone’s mind.
At first, someone will have a thought and thinks about that thought so much they become completely engulfed by the thought. Eventually this thought comes through as actions to make the thought a reality. Through hard work, time, and usually many failures, that thought eventually turns into an achievement, a new product, a new way of doing something, or the accomplishment of any task.
Business, family and fitness have more in common than you think. When you want something for your family, you do anything to get it. When you want to hit a goal in business, you utilize all your resources to do so. With fitness though, its extremely common not to go all in and simply go through the motions.
Ask yourself: how bad do you want to achieve your fitness goal?
Do you think about it constantly?
Are you willing to do anything and sacrifice everything required to achieve that goal?
If you answer is no to these questions, there is no way to sugar coat it, you will not achieve maximal results if you don’t have the burning desire to do just that.
If you answered yes, keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how to achieve all your fitness goals.
Your mind controls your fitness results.
Your mind is so powerful, that whether you’re conscious thinking or sub-consciously thinking, your thoughts produce your reality. The mind makes up everything that happens to you.
You control your mind, so if you just “fake it till you make it” you can actually trick your mind.
Listen to me loud and clear, because this article is going to only scratch the surface on how powerful your mind is.
Your Mind will dictate whether you fail or succeed. Control your mind and you will control your future.
Control your mind with gratitude and positivity.
In order to trick your mind, hence, to control it, first you have to turn every aspect of your life into a positive experience. If you made a mistake, don’t get down on yourself, be happy and thankful that you learned from your mistake.
Got bills? Every time you pay those bills take time to appreciate what you have or had that provided joy and why you have the bill in the first place.
Can’t find anything to be thankful for? That’s a lie, and a poor excuse of not trying hard enough to find something positive, BUT if you do come to that conclusion, be happy that you are alive, live where you do, can afford food, ANYTHING! Just understand that you control how you respond to every situation and that you need to be positive no matter the situation.
You’re probably wondering, why I am talking about bills in a workout article. The reason is because I’m pointing out that your mind can make any aspect of your life better. I’m pointing out that your mind has the power to dictate how successful you are achieving your goals. If you aren’t positive and are stressing about anything else, you won’t be able to put your complete focus on achieving your goals, not to mention cortisol levels will spike due to stress and blunt fat burning, but that’s a whole different topic.
You will hinder your fitness results with negativity
If you feel like complaining about a diet or how hard a workout is, STOP!
Complaining is a negative emotion and will only breed negative results. Stay as positive as possible, focused, and be thankful that you’re able to change your body into a beautiful piece of artwork.
Remember, you must turn every experience into a positive one. Yes, this is harder done than said, but for me personally I have help. When you know your WHY, and balance it out with every area of your life, you only can move forward, despite what happens to you.
Everyone’s Why is different, if you need help with finding your WHY, check out our free mini-course “Discover your WHY to fitness” HERE
The Mind-Muscle Connection
Your Mind is so powerful, that it dictates how efficient every work out you perform is.
While lifting in the gym, a muscle-mind connection should always be established.
This one thing alone is the reason I believe I have been able to do more than everyone else around me, by doing less. Everything I do in the gym is with the muscle in mind. This allows me to push past barriers, yet able to protect myself and preserve the ability to continually get better. I’m not talking about size, as that is dictated by diet and other factors, I’m talking about capability! I’m talking about flexibility, explosion, speed, agility, what makes someone an athlete.
A mind-muscle connection is the practice of thinking of the muscle group(s) you are working.
You should be thinking about the muscle moving the weight, not just about moving the weight and completing the rep.
Doing this simple thing will increase not only your intensity and focus in your workout, but primarily will build strength and size of the muscle faster as well.
When you think of the muscle that is doing the work, and not just move the weight and count the reps, a signal is sent from the brain to send more nutrition to that muscle. The pathway of what is available gets focused on the muscle you are working and not the entire body. Nutrition like extra red blood cells and oxygen are sent to the muscle that is being worked and thought about and boosts strength, size, and endurance more effectively.
Use Your Mind to Take Your Results Further
Arnold Schwarzenegger took mind-muscle connection a step further. When he was working biceps, he would actually envision that he had much larger biceps than he actually did. Constantly thinking that he had bigger biceps may have actually tricked the mind into placing even more nutrients into the muscle. This is one of the reasons Arnold was able to achieve such amazing proportions. This is one trick that can help move an athlete to the next level.
Always remember to keep your intensity high in the Gym. There is no reason to waste time in the gym. The best diet and workout regiment does not yield maximal results until your mind is aligned with your goals. Control your mind and control your results.
If you are a 30-45 year old, married with kids business owner who cycles up and down in weight, and want to stop struggling with inconsistency and self-sabotaging your health and fitness and lose 30 lbs once and for all, The Why Way is the only way you will be able to do that now and avoid the pain and suffering of waiting till it’s too late.
The Why Way will help you take control of your mind and everything that makes you so awesome at work and at home. Not only will you lose the 30 lbs once and for all, you’ll free up time to enjoy your home and social life. IF THIS IS YOU CLICK HERE NOW!
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